Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Child Training Reminders

We love HIM because He first loved us. Establish love *first*.

Love fosters trust. We need our children to trust that we are disciplining and training them for *their* best interest: translated Gods glory.

So love first and then obedience, based on love (Gods glory) not convenience for ourselves.

There are not 2 Bibles, one for children/youth and 1 for adults, that must mean God wants our children to obey the same commands/precepts we do. The Bible is not just for adults to live by it is for our children too.

There is only 1 command specifically and exclusively for children in the New Testament....Honor your Mother and Father.

Joy, we must joy and delight in our children. God told Jesus *this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased*. We need to convey the same delight in our children.

We have to make our homes, and lifestyles more appealing than the world. We do that by cultivating love, joy and peace in our homes. Netflix, peer pressure, hairstyles as big as a parade, all stiff competition for sure. The *only* thing that compares is Christ alone.

Be willing to admit that 95% of EVERY problem we have with our children is a direct result of a deficit somewhere in our own parenting.

Repent to God and children when we fail.

So simple but so huge. SMILE!

Get closer not louder.


  1. You have no idea how much I appreciate your supportive comment on my book review. I'm expecting quite a bit of heat off that one.
    It was also a good reminder to come check out your blog again. Love it!
    Great post! Thanks much!

  2. So true.....95% of EVERY problem is because of my deficiency. As much as that's a tough pill to swallow sometimes, I've always known that deep down.

    Glad there are those who will say it like it is.
