Observations: There is that phrase *put off* again. Lie not to one another because you've put off the old man. Be honest. Share your heart and be real with each other. Paul is talking to the church at Colossae, telling them to lie not, dont lie because you've been converted there is no need to hide anymore. Isnt that something? Paul tells us to be honest with each other. There is freedom in living a life that is pleasing to God, we dont have to put on fronts and fake things when we've put off the old man. Confess your faults take down the facade and be real. Why? Because you've put off the old man, and put on the new which is renewed in knowledge, after the image of God. Renewed in the image of God. I could meditate on that for about a lifetime. In the image of our Creator there isnt pedigrees, or races, one class against another. Neither
Love this part Christ is all and in all, doesnt matter
where you came from or who you are. Christ who is our life. Hes our life. We can
share hearts and lives honestly because we are made new in
Christ. There is freedom to share with other Christians when we truly surrender our lives to Christ. Holiness is liberating.
I not only need to extend grace to everyone despite appearances I need to extend
it to myself. God loves me in spite of my lowliness, my insignificance. His
image has renewed me therefore Im not useless.
Lord help me put off and on, so that I can live a renewed life that reflects your image. A life that doesnt need to hide from my Christian friends.
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