Wednesday, January 7, 2009


And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8Text Color

Perhaps you have heard the story of the parishioner who received recognition for being the humblest man in the church? They gave him a pin to wear. The following Sunday he wore it and they took it away from him for being proud. As soon as we think we are humble, we are not. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. (1st. Cor. 10:12)

10 Ways to Cultivate Humility

1.Read books and research this often overlooked virtue. Royal Insignia by Lillian Harvey and Humility by Andrew Murray are both very good.

2.Remember where you came from. The pit from whence you were digged. It is only by Gods grace and mercy that we have anything. Material possessions,spiritual riches even our mental health are all revocable gifts from God.

3.Take the blame. Become like Jesus who took the wrap even when He wasn't guilty. Don't defend yourself but rather love, serve and even redeem others through humbly taking the blame.

4.Get married! If you are going to have a happy marriage then you will have to humble your self on a consistent basis:-). Nothing extracts pride and inserts humility like a marriage based on grace, mercy and humility.

5.Study humility in the Word. Just about every great man in the Bible was wronged and handled the wrong humbly. Moses was the Meekest man. Joseph forgave and blessed the brothers who sold him into slavery. David bowed before Saul. Steven prayed for his murderers. And of course our ultimate example....Jesus took on the sins of all mankind even though He was blameless.....yet He opened not His mouth.

6.Be quiet! Don't talk but rather serve others through listening. Truly hearing. Not just a discipline of the will but an act of love.Engage others with eye contact.Weep and rejoice with those that weep and rejoice. Don't be the talker but rather learn to love through listening. Its an humble thing to listen to others instead of needing to talk all the time.

7.Have alot of children. Pray God bless you with a *full quiver*. If that's not an option adopt,foster,or at least invest in children. Show true humility by declaring that other humans are more important than self. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction James 1:27. Remember Jesus humbled Himself by adopting the Gentiles.

8.Give away your money. This declares that the recipient and the recipients cause is greater than our own. It breaks the bond of selfishness like little else can. Only be sure to do it *in secret* or else the very thing that may humble us could cause us to be proud.

9.Live every day looking for a way to give and bless others. Put yourself on a mission to make others lives better. Perhaps just a smile could change a life.

10. Pray and read everyday. Everyday we don't pray and read is a day we say."No problems here Lord....don't need You today. I can handle this day without you". Be aware of your need to abide and hide in HIM by declaring that need through daily prayer and Bible study.

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