Saturday, June 6, 2009

Cheap Replacements

  • Fast food and frozen dinners have replaced family time around the dinner table.
  • Motorized baby swings have replaced the rocking chair.
  • Plastic bottles of formula have replaced mothers milk.
  • Baby carriers have replaced moms arms.
  • The blessing of children has been replaced with a lie that children are a burden.
  • Public schools have replaced parents teaching their children Christian principals at home.
  • Televisions have replaced family devotions and fellowship.
  • Siblings playing together has been replaced by individuals playing video games.
  • Child training has been replaced by the building up of our children's self esteem.
  • Moms have been replaced with Daycare Workers making 6.00 an hour.
  • Full Quivers are replaced by 1.8 children who are a hindrance.
  • Family as priority has been replaced by money, careers and fancy lifestyles.
  • Dads authority in the home has been replaced with a domineering wife.
  • Organized sporting events have replaced building things and tinkering outside with dad.
  • The Prosperity Gospel has replaced repentance and sharing in the fellowship of His sufferings.


  1. Five of these points hit me square between the eyes. I do long for change. God help me to learn.

  2. Sometimes we don't realize the things we sacrifice trying to take what looks like the easier road. Convenience isn't always the best way to go. Thank you for this thoughtful post.


    Carol Connell

  3. Darla,

    I should of added a disclaimer myself....

  4. My, my.....what an indictment against our society, hm? And, yes, I, too, have been guilty of some. We did homeschool our son, though, and did not fall into many of these traps. Still, there are areas in which we could have done better.
    Now that our son is married, many, many times my husband and I have expressed how thankful we are that we homeschooled. Oh, but I sometimes miss those days! I am praying that, should the Lord tarry, we may be able to homeschool the grandbaby! We're already reading to him! *smile*
    I love your blog, GT! God Bless!

  5. Keep writing, it's so right on. Thank you.

  6. Jewel,
    Thank you for the comments, that is fantastic that you were able to teach your son at home. I may look you up for advice since you have *btdt*.
    Thank you, dear friend for the encouragement...
