Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy or Holy

We're not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be....CS Lewis

Truly this may be the biggest stump for most of us. Especially since we live in America where everything we buy sell do and see is geared for.....Ease of use. Visual pleasure. Consumer comfort. And make it quick will ya?

Forget selfless sacrifice. Its all about *you*. You and your pleasure. You and your comfort. But that is not Gods way. *Through much tribulation* is Gods way. Confusing to us spoiled Americans isnt it?

Hurts bad.

I,me,my. I,me,my. I,me,my. Ever notice that the model our Lord gave us for daily prayer...The *Lords Prayers...doesnt mention I,Me,My one time. Even when we ask for daily bread we are to do it in a corporate sense. Give us this day our daily bread....not....Give me this day my daily bread. Its so hard to take on this *others focused* perspective.

God didnt put us here for our own pleasure rather He put us here for His pleasure .....which ironically ultimately does indeed bring us pleasure... but the ultimate is rarely the present so we have to endure.

He loves us and wants us to be Happy and Holy....just not necessarily in that order.

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