Friday, May 1, 2009


Jesus talked about money more than He did Heaven and Hell combined.

Jesus talked about money more than anything else except the Kingdom of God.

11 of 39 parables talk about money.

1 of every 7 verses in the Gospel of Luke talk about money.

The entire book of James is about money and how to treat the poor.

I dont think God really cares about money, rather He cares about our hearts and He knows that every aspect of our lives is connected to money. Our view of money is a good indicator of how we love and serve others. God is not trying to gauge our checkbook but rather He knows that how we use our checkbook is directly connected to our hearts. Money is the thermometer God uses to take our hearts temperature.

1 comment:

  1. The last line of your post is especially good.

    Our view of money is a good indicator of how we love and serve others.

    I've found that to be very true.
